Web Design Heuristics
13 Nov 2012

Last weekend, I built a site for a new club on campus as my first freelance gig (though I also handled the domain name and hosting). For the past couple months, I have been a little interested in visual design and user experience. This design exhibits some tricks I picked up and often use make things look pretty. I dub this plastic surgery, as it is a quick and simple path to beautification.
The easiest way to give your website an entire makeover, change the fonts. The most popular resource is Google Web Fonts. They have a wide selection and you can sort by popularity as well as serif/sans-serif. Try out different fonts and see the changes in character they make for your site and try to choose a font that matches your site’s purpose.
A good rule of thumb is to choose two fonts, one serif and one sans-serif. Use the serif for your headers as it looks more elegant and use sans-serif for your content as it is more readable.
Currently, even this magnificent blog needs a bit of work on the typography (font-sizing). Typography takes a lot of toying with!
- Google Web Fonts
- A serif font for headers, a sans-serif font for content
- Use a good-sized line height (space between lines of text) for readability
- Have contrast between text and background
Building a Color Palette
The color palette defines the “mood” of the site. However, it is more important that your selected colors don’t clash. Just like in music, dissonance is not pleasant to the senses. You can use colorschemedesigner to get ideas on what colors work well together and simply browse for colors.
In the example above, I simply opt to use browned-orange as a primary color to match the header logo and with rare bits of turquoise blue as a complement. Since the site is dark-themed, I only used a two-color palette since dark-themed designs already have depth and busy-ness.
Lastly, don’t use pure black and pure white without good reason. Black and white stand out very strongly and obnoxiously demand attention. Instead use off-blacks and off-whites. You can even add some saturation to give your black and white colors the most slightest hint of color.
If using a CSS preprocessor, pre-define your colors as global constants and always use those constants in your CSS color rules (e.g. color: $blue). And as mentioned earlier, also define your off-blacks and off-whites as constants (e.g. $black: rgb(10, 10, 10), $white: rgb(245, 245, 245))
- colorschemedesigner
- Keep a simple palette.
- Use off-blacks and off-whites over pure black and pure white.
- Saturate your blacks and whites for subtle color.
Using texture patterns in your site gives it nice and subtle detail. A texture pattern over a plain color background really adds some polish and makes a difference. Subtle Patterns, like Google Web Fonts, is a free collection…but this time for texture patterns to use as backgrounds.
Just don’t go overboard and use ten different textures. It’s the modern era of minimalism. Try using one for your header background, one for your content background, and one for your footer background.
- Subtle Patterns
- Try a texture pattern background over a plain color background.
- Keep it simple and clean and use only two or three textures
Icon Fonts
Websites with plain headers and links are boring, but images are bulky. Icon fonts can be mixed in to add some fun and detail. Font Awesome is a growing collection of free icon fonts. These are especially useful on front pages where you have headers describing your next cool social network you are building.
There are many of them, and they can be used in whatever size or color your specify in the CSS. Just hook up the files in your HTML, and use the “i” tag with the class name of an icon to drop in an icon. The size can be changed with font-size.